The anti-immigration and anti-EU Finns Party in Finland was the second most popular in the 2015 General Election, securing almost 18% of the votes. The party’s signature theme is anti-immigration as they believe that immigration from outside the EU should only be allowed in cases where it brings economic advantage to the country. They are also opposed to globalization, free-market capitalism, while, curiously their economic policy stand more to the left.
However, their popularity has been in decline since the election, which prompted its leader, Timo Soini to announce that he will step down as of June, 2017. Eurosceptic parties across Europe should probably take a note of the toll the Finns Party has taken over the past years: recent polls suggests that voters’ support dropped to 9.1% which makes them only the 6th popular party in the country.


Election results in Finland in tha past 15 years. Use the sidebar to filter the results: